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Welcome to Math Farms!



16th Annual Bull Sale

Glasgow Stockyards // April 12, 2025


Breeding for a balanced attack of heavy growth with strong maternal background.

Our herd bulls are chosen for high growth, sound structure, overall attractiveness, and always from sires and females that have produced top quality replacement females. We breed with big growth bulls that produce calves that have plenty of “cold weather get-up-and-go”. We avoid extreme low birth bulls, and our heifers get along well birthing 70-lb. calves.

We only keep the females that come from the very best of what we have to offer. We run fertile, easy fleshing females that stay consistent in any conditions.


Our Cattle

We strive to build a phenotypically attractive mother cow with excellent disposition, strong feet, and great mothering ability.


Our Sires

In addition to cattle that have proven their livability, we also breed for maternal traits, carcass quality, and good disposition.


Our Sale

Please join us for our sale on Saturday, April 12, 2025 featuring our best 2-year-old bulls and an outstanding selection of light birthweight yearling bulls.


Bulls that bring real change.

Sale bulls are grown on grass and their momma’s milk, then weaned off to a high protein ration and brought along slowly to encourage strong, sound bulls with correct structure.

The top 30% of our entire bull crop out of 800 registered cows make the cut for summer pasture.

They continue to grow on native grasses and forage until they return home in late fall to prepare for sale day. We avoid growing fat bulls— we want them strong, athletic and ready to cover your cows!

We work the bulls several times over 18 months, and EVERY bull that sells is fertility tested, has sound structure, proper disposition, and is fully guaranteed.