A lot can change in one hundred years, but for those of us at Math Farms, family farming and ranching have been a part of our lives for over a century. In 1915, Bob Math’s great-grandfather, Phillip Math, relocated from Germany and homesteaded in Montana where he ran mostly Herefords. Math Farms has been around ever since and will be going on its 6th generation with Bob’s grandchildren.
Located on the Canadian border north of Whitewater, Montana, we have a challenge within our operation; brutally cold winters. While managing livestock in this weather is difficult, this has allowed us to raise high-quality cattle that can perform well in these conditions. While extreme weather is common in Montana, it opened up the opportunity to differentiate our operation from other producers, and we are taking advantage of it.
“We try to raise cattle appropriate for our weather. The winters are harsh, while summers are hot and dry, and calving is pretty tough. We want to raise calves that can get up and get to suckling right away and mothers that can continually work to get the weight on the calves.”
- Cody Math